Saturday, September 6, 2008

Nate just makes my days!

I'm just not good at this thing of writing about my personal life... and we've been so busy with work and school, that we haven't been able to do much! I have to prepare 5 bulletin boards, read 5 books, take quizzes, etc etc and all this must be done before October, 20th. Crazy huh? Nate is even busier!
Yesterday I wasn't feeling well, and my wonderful husband knows what I need when I feel like that. So when he was leaving for work (yesterday he had to work in the evening), he was acting like all in a hurry and I was like: man! what's wrong? I guess he really doesn't wanna be late for work ;) 5 minutes after he left, he came back with peanut butter ice-cream and nutrageous for me! wohooooo!!!! It just made my day! that's why he was leaving so fast! he was gonna be late for work but he wanted to make sure I was ok and happy, and that I would spend a good evening while he was at work! he knows that ice-cream and chocolate always make me feel better (I know, I'm like a little girl sometimes, hehe) I love my husband so much! He's just so sweet and takes care of me so much! :D I can't thank God enough for him!
After he left, Hannah came over and she brought a lot of stuff to make waffles. Later in the evening, two other friends from college came too, and Hannah made us waffles! Man, I hadn't had waffles for so long! I forgot how much I like them!!! Thank you so much Hannah! It was good! We had a good time, and Nate came back earlier, which is good, cause I missed him so much!
Saturdays is the day of the week when we spoil ourselves, so we got some grilled stuffed burritos from taco bell (I know there are better ways to spoil, but we do love taco bell).
Tomorrow we are going to start the students ministry at Crown, so we are very excited about it! We'll let you know how it goes! :D
Have a good day!



Ashley said...

Funny, I was just wishing for some taco bell, and we NEVER ate it while in the states:) We watched the Auburn football game on the slingbox, yyyuuuhhhuuu (football is one of the reasons I so love fall)either way all the taco bell commercials left me wishing for some! Good thing it wasnt one of those extreme pregnancy crazings.

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

Cousin, you used to like Taco Bell at college. But I never saw you eat it once you got married! i love it, I never get tired of it, hehe Man, how cool! you can see our commercials there? hehe, that way you'll never be out to date (pasada de moda o lo que sea) with the new things here. Every time I go to Spain I flip out with the new things they have... have you tried the activia yogurt in Spain? we have 2000 kinds, lol I love the muesli one!!!!

Ashley said...

um, I havent eaten alot of yogurt, I have a problem with the texture of it, I am weird I know. I tried some, but so far I have not eaten alot, we'll see, maybe if I start it will grow on me.or if I eat it with cereal and fruit thats what i always did in the states. Pilar was explaining to me that the slingbox is hooked up to Mr. Starks cable box and it sends the information to a computer over here. But you have to have a code, and we can only see the channels that they have on their cable.