Monday, May 25, 2009

Christ is the only way!

So I know.... we haven´t posted in centuries!!!! We try to keep our business blog updated and barely have time for this one, but we really want to start using it again for our personal and spiritual life!

There is something I wanted to share with you! Yesterday we started a new series in our Sunday School. It was about the emerging church. Boy! I had no clue that things were going like that!!!!! Churches with disco music and lights, and drinking alcohol? I don´t think so! Hello! We have a holy God!!! But the worst part, churches professing to be Christians but not admitting the infallibility of the Bible and not having an assurance of what the right doctrine is... To me this is sad, because first, how can you follow and live a Christians life if you dont believe that the book you have to live by is completely true? How can you trust God as your Savior if you don´t believe His Word? God does not lie! But to me the saddest part is not being able to live a life where you know 100% that you are going to heaven! God gives us the way of salvation! It`s a free gift that (like any other gift) we will have if we accept it, but if we don´t, the gift is not ours. And that gift is salvation through Jesus Christ. God is so clear throughout the whole Bible: we are all sinners and have to realize that we are and that we need Jesus Christ. We have to believe in Jesus Christ, his dead, burial, and resurrection and put our faith and trust in Him! and we shall be saved! From that point on, eternal life in heaven is all ours! And there is not a greater feeling than that! Living for a purpose, knowing what is coming next and why you are to live the way you live! Knowing for sure why we are here!!! And the best part is that we know this is the only way, because the Word of God says so!

I have shared my personal testimony with many people, and the more I tell people about it, the more I realize about this. I know God is in me, I know God exists and God has saved me! When my life wasn´t right with God, no matter how many things I had, or how cool I tried to make my life, I never felt fulfilled and I never found the peace I needed. Needless to say, when I repented from my sin and my disobedience to God, and decided to live for Him, God blessed my life in a miraculous way! Every day is full of His blessings and the peace and joy I have in me cannot compare to anything! God knows all I need, He has a perfect plan for my life and He has shown me all this day by day! He has led me through the right path every time I´ve asked Him for guidance. So if you ever have a doubt: God is here for all of us, we just have to accept His precious gift and live a life of obedience to Him :) Nothing we do can bring all that into our lives! No religion, no works can! God is so good that He wants to give it to us without us deserving it!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should 
not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans 10:9-10

I see God´s hand everyday in my life! There is no greater joy than that!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day!!!
