Friday, October 7, 2011

No matter how small we feel, how big our prayer requests are, God cares for us and answers even the smallest prayer we lay before Him. I've asked Him to perform a miracle concerning a dear person's health and an opportunity for him to hear the Gospel. And despite how small I am and how big my request was, He has performed a miracle in that person's life! Praying for his salvation. I know God can do anything and He will. And I know God loves me and cares for me so much, that He will answer even those requests that seem impossible to man. Nothing is impossible to Him, and nothing is possible without Him. I rejoice in having such a wonderful God that loves me and shows His love to me daily in so many ways! I know He loves me, and I love Him too. My prayer is that my love for Him will increase daily.

Thank you God for saving us, loving us, and blessing us in so many ways!

In the harvest field now ripened
There’s a work for all to do;
Hark! the voice of God is calling
To the harvest calling you.

Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame.
There’s a crown—and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ Name.

In the mad rush of the broad way,
In the hurry and the strife,
Tell of Jesus’ love and mercy,
Give to them the Word of Life.

Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame.
There’s a crown—and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ Name.

Does the place you’re called to labor
Seem too small and little known?
It is great if God is in it,
And He’ll not forget His own.

Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame.
There’s a crown—and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ Name.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I finally started working out again! Now the question is: will I keep it up? I did 40 minutes of cardio and 25 minutes of strength exercises. I'm sooo excited about it! It is one of those things I had stopped doing when I got married, and one of those things that were suggested in a book I read about being a joyful mom. Long days of cleaning, cooking, etc can make you exhausted by the time of supper! I've been reading lot of books and lots of things have changed for the better! So here is a list of things that are helping me stay joyful:

- Devos in the morning: I still struggle with this, because Alex keeps getting up earlier each day, so many times I have to wait till he takes a nap to do my personal devos.
- Praise: One of the things that even do we do them, they are never enough :) Praising no matter what happens, for He knows what's best for me.
- Asking God to show me my faults, and help me improve. I have so many, I've felt horrible for all the mistakes I've made. But I know God loves me and forgives me, and I'm excited about it! Finding these faults is going to help me be a better Christian. I'm so thankful to God for showing me what I need to change!
- Exercise
- Better eating
- A time of relax for myself each day
- Listening to uplifting Christian music while doing mindless tasks: I love music, but I've had an old, pretty much broken computer for the past couple of years. With a full memory! So since God has blessed us with a new computer, I put my favorite songs from each cd I own on it, and I play them while cooking, cleaning, playing with Alex, etc
- Cooking: I don't like cooking, but I love baking. I believe the crock pot is one of the best things man have come up with! Since I started to try it, I've been trying different recipes. It makes me excited about cooking again! My favorite: barbecue chicken and cranberry meatballs.
- Reading books on marriage, Christian womanhood, and raising children.
- And this one is a supposed thing I should do but I never find the time to do it: NAP!!!

There are many more, but it's late and I'm getting a headache... so I can't remember them right now :)

I absolutely love being a wife and a mom. It is such a privilege! I love my family and I thank God for it! It is one of the best ministries a woman can have! I love caring for and spoiling my two favorite men: my husband and son. So all this cookie making, playing games, coloring hearts with my son for daddy, building with blocks, playing outside, etc are little things that brighten my days!

I just added about 15 books to my wish list for Christmas. Yes. I made a wish list for Nate. It might sound wrong, but I know it will help him choose my gifts, and it helps me since I know I will love them. And since my list is like....30 items! It will still be a surprise heehee

Have a wonderful day! Rejoice in the Lord! He loves us so much He gave His only Son to die for our sins and to give us the gift of eternal life! He loves us so much, He has prepared a perfect plan designed just for each one of us! So no matter where we are and what we go through, His plans are perfect! Rejoice! :)


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

John 14:45
"If ye love me, keep my commandments."
I often struggled wondering if I loved God enough, or how to know if I loved God like I should. I was trying to measure how much I love Him, and basing it on the wrong things. As I was reading the book "A Wife's Purpose" by Cindy Schaap, she talked about this subject. And it opened my eyes and allowed me to see it in a different way. I am glad I can know I love Him because I keep His commandments. Of course I am not perfect! But I am excited to know that my love for Him will increase as I keep obeying Him more and more. It makes me look forward to obeying God! Not that I didn't obey Him before, but there are always areas in our lives that need to be improved. And there are also areas that need to be completely changed. I have fervently prayed to God that He would show me those areas. He has faithfully done so and He is giving me all I need to change them. I am excited about the changes! And I'm praying I will be faithful and obedient to His Word, and that I will allow Him to change me to do His perfect will and make me the person I need to be. I know I can be quite stubborn or forgetful :) I want my prayer to be like this every day:
"Search me O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."-Psalm 139:23-24

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome back!

I have not written on this blog since before I became a mom! :) But I assumed that those that were really interested in me always knew about me through Facebook.... And I barely find any time for reading! Too many things I want to do, try, learn...and I can't find time for any of them!
This year I told myself I had to find more time to learn what I wanted to learn or improve what I wanted to improve. I love photography, I love sewing, I love languages, I love making desserts....One of the things I really wish I could do was reading. I never read for two reasons:
1. I don't have time
2. I don't like reading, besides reading the Bible (even though I've always loved studying!)

I knew reading was good for me, so I decided to push myself a little bit and try to enjoy it! I've already read one book and I'm half way another one! And I'm finally enjoying reading :) So I decided to share a few of the things I've been learning through these books. Some of the things are obvious. Some of the things I've heard a gazillion times. Some of them I've known this whole time. But you know sometimes it just doesn't click or it doesn't hit you! So here we go, for whoever is interested!

I wrote notes on all of them just to remind myself every day of things I need to keep in mind, and things I need to do to be a happy joyful Christian, wife, and mother. But the first one I want to share is the reason why I'm blogging:
- Share with people what God has done in your life. It's something I've done for a while with my friends and family. God has really worked miracles in my life and marriage. He has really showed me I can trust Him and He has proved Himself in my life in many ways. Some difficult times have been harder than others, but it all has been a preparation for our lives as missionaries. Stepping on full time deputation by faith has been easier because of this, and I truly thank God for all those difficult situations He placed in our lives in the past! It has increased our faith and strengthen us spiritually!

My unsaved family and friends have drastically changed the way they see Christianism because of what God has done in our lives! They have seen miracles happening in our lives, and that is little by little making them be more open to the Gospel. And of course, some other times I haven't been the Christian I should have been and I know that has not helped much. So I want to make a point in my life to always share God's blessings and miracles with others.

- My family is my ministry: so many times I've heard that! I know it! I know my family is my ministry! But so many time I've also gotten caught up with photography, church work, helping friends, and I haven't taken care of my family as well as I should so I could please others. It is great to please others. God wants me to help and please others, and of course please Him more than others. But I always have to keep in mind, my family comes first, and if something is going to hinder the ministry God has given me as a wife and mother, then it's probably something I should not do.

- Give what you lack: this one hit me the harderst. It is so easy for me to do things for God that I enjoy doing. But it really pleases God when I give Him things that are not easy for me to give, or things I lack. I am not talking about money here, although money is a good example. I am talking about abilities, gifts, and many other areas of our lives. To me it is very easy when I do photo sessions for missionaries, pastors, churches... I really enjoy it and I want to do it to be a blessing. But I know there are other things in my life I haven't given much from, and I know God would be really pleased if I did. Reading is probably one of them! I do faithfully read my Bible, but I haven't spent time enough doing other types of reading to help me grow spiritually. This is something I want to pray and search in my life. I'm trying to find what things I lack so I can give them to God! And there must be many! But I am so excited to find more so I can give them to my Savior!

I hope this can be a blessing to you! There are many many many other things I've been learning lately! And hopefully I'll share them on another post soon!

Have a blessed day!
