Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our new blog

Upon my aunt and cousin's request, we have decided to start another blog. Since the other one we have is for our photography business, we'll be using this one for our personal life. Right now we don't have much to say! I spend hours a day working for the business (designing, editing, etc.) and Nate works too! But I'm sure we'll be able to say more later on! We're starting school next week, but I'll be taking only 1 class and an independent study class. I'll be doing my student teaching also. Nate is taking more classes than me, but I'm graduating in December!!! wohoooo!!!!! So we're very excited about that!
Like I said, I don't have much to say, so we'll keep adding things little by little!


1 comment:

Pilar said...

yipi ya podemos cotillear!!! jejeje
pues nada ahora a contarlo to